


환경경영 이미지
환경경영 이미지
환경경영 이미지

Environmental Management

All employees of TOVIS are committed to social responsibility through the practice of environmental management. Through constant technological innovation and R & D, we strive to minimize the impact of all TOVIS activities on the environment and ensure that all members can enjoy a rich and healthy life in a pleasant environment.

Environmental Management Policy

Consideration 아이콘

Check the operating status of the environmental management system and consider the environmental aspects first in corporate management activities.

Achievement 아이콘

Set environmental goals and detailed direction, converge and implement programs to achieve them.

Compliance 아이콘

Comply with international agreements and national laws related to the environment and continuously improve the level of environmental management.

Saving 아이콘

Through energy savings, resource savings, and recycling promotion, we continuously prevent environmental pollution.

Education 아이콘

To understand environmental policies and goals and improve management skills, we conduct training for all employees.

Disclosure 아이콘

All TOVIS employees disclose the environmental Policy to stakeholders and allow product and service providers to recognize and implement their responsibilities under this Policy.